The Ancient Order of Hibernians
Mark Heffernan Division #2
Irish Culture, Catholic Faith, and Christian Charity.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) is the Irish Voice of America promoting Irish Culture and Catholic Faith in all its endeavors. From Charitable projects, supporting Catholic Initiatives, to Irish Cultural activities such as Irish Step Dancing, Hurling, and Music, the AOH’s mission is to promote Catholic Faith, Irish Heritage, and Christian Charity.
Catholic Faith
As America’s oldest Irish Catholic Fraternal Organization, the Ancient Order of Hibernians supports the Catholic Church, its clergy, and the freedom to practice our Catholic Faith. As Hibernians and Catholics, we stand for eternal vigilance for religious liberties enshrined in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.
Irish Culture
As an Irish American Society that promotes Irish Culture, History, and Heritage, the Ancient Order of Hibernians support all projects that align with our values to promote and grow the Irish American community.
Christian Charity
As Catholics, the Ancient Order of Hibernians promotes missions and charities to help those in need. Supporting those in need, veterans, and the disadvantaged are ways we serve others.
“To be Irish is a Blessing, To be a Hibernian is an Honor.”
— Unknown